Story Activities
Remember to scroll down the page to find your favourite story. Please give feedback and photos via class teachers email.
This page contains different stories and activities that you can engage with at home with your child. The activities span a range of abilities for the children across school. Some require access to a printer. Please do not feel you have to use all the examples, we wished to offer preferences and variety.
Some stories will have a resource added that lists questions for the story that are divided into levels [called BLANKS]. If you are unsure which level your child is working on then begin at level one and work up. For non-verbal pupils use objects, symbols or pictures within the book for them to answer for example if asking 'Who is this?' point to the picture of Goldilocks in the book and have the bear and Goldilocks doll or symbols as choices. If this is not an option then rephrase the question i.e show me Goldilocks.
We hope you enjoy reading, hearing and engaging with some of Brookfields favourite stories at home :) Shelley and Joanna x
Our first story is Goldilocks and the three bears.
If you do not have a copy of this story at home then here are links where you can listen to it:
Mr Bloom reads this story too
Find resources at home that you can explore whilst listening to the story:
- Teddy bears
- Doll for Goldilocks
- Bowls with porridge for sensory play [ made with milk or dry oats]
- Blankets or material pieces for the beds or alternatively take your doll character on a journey to the chairs or beds in your home
Here is a song that engages in counting and size words
This story leads to opportunities to learn about opposites. Hold and feel the objects whilst hearing describing words i.e hot and cold for porridge, hard and soft for the beds and chairs.
Here are some additional cross curricular resources linked to the story that you may wish to access.
Most importantly have fun and enjoy the story and, unlike Goldilocks, stay home and stay safe :)
- Addition-Sheets.pdf
- Blank Portrait.pdf
- Character describing and matching.pdf
- Comprehension.pdf
- Counting.pdf
- Colouring.pdf
- Cutting skills.pdf
- Goldilocks and the Three Bears Letter.pdf
- Half Lined Portrait.pdf
- I spy Checklist.pdf
- I spy.pdf
- Masks.pdf
- flipbook.exe
- Missing numbers.pdf
- Pattern.pdf
- Mindfulness colouring.pdf
- Pencil control.pdf
- porridge-recipe.pdf
- Puppets.pdf
- Question Sheets Goldilocks.pdf
- Role play word cards.pdf
- Sensory story.pdf
- Sentence building.pdf
- Sequencing.pdf
- Small world background.pdf
- Size sorting.pdf
- Spot the difference.pdf
- Subtraction.pdf
- Tracing words.pdf
- Word mat.pdf
- Wanted poster writing.pdf
This weeks story is called Peace at Last. Join in with the repeating phrase 'Oh no' 'I can't stand this' with words or sounds to talk with Mr Bear.
I had some character friends in my house that helped me to retell this story - do you have bears too? Look at the photographs of the fun my bear friends had helping me. If you only have one bear, try taking it on a listening journey around the rooms in your house, garden or on a walk - what sounds can your bear [and child] hear?
Here is a link to the story -
Here is a song to link with the story -
This story explores night and day - can you talk about things we do in the evening and the daytime.
- colour the words that describe daddy bear .docx
- colouring sheet 1.docx
- Clink Clank Sound Sensory Bottle.pdf
- Ding Dong Sound Sensory Bottle.pdf
- fill in the missing words.docx
- Environmental sounds.pdf
- maze.docx
- peace at last bingo boards x 8.docx
- peace at last booklet.pdf
- peace at last comprehension.docx
- Peace at Last oral re-tell.doc
- peace at last dominos.docx
- Peace at Last Picture Cards.pdf
- peace at last true or false.pptx
- Peace at Last powerpoint with symbols.ppt
- Peace-at-Last-Small-World-Background.pdf
- Role play masks.pdf
- Rustle Rustle Sound Sensory Bottle.pdf
- Splashy Sound Sensory Bottle.pdf
- sequencing
- Thud Thud Sound Sensory Bottle.pdf
- Word-Mat.pdf
- Wordsearch.docx
This weeks story is called The Train Ride. This story is about a journey on the train. Have you even been on a train? What did you see?
Maybe we could join in with the repeating phrases "What shall I see?" & "That's what I see".
To support learning with this story we could enjoy playing with a train track if you have one at home, or draw chalk tracks on the floor [chalk washes of hard floors indoors or out].
Have you got any small world characters or items to explore; animals, vehicles, people and a mirror to recreate the story? my favourite part to act out in this story is the tunnel - I use blankets or cloths to make a tunnel perhaps in a pop up tent, under the table or between chairs.
Here is a link for the story in a singing version
Song about a train ride
Other train links:
Peppa pig goes on a train
Timmy makes a train using boxes, can you do this too for you or your toys?
Below are some activities linked to this story and some questions as prompts to support children's understanding of the story, we hope you enjoy 'The Train Ride'.
- Matching cards and boards.pdf
- Addition sheet.pdf
- colouring-Sheets.pdf
- My Picture Dictionary.pdf
- Role-Play-Masks.pdf
- -Stick-Puppets.pdf
- Story-Cut-Outs.pdf
- Story-Sequencing-4-per-A4-Colour.pdf
- Story-Sequencing.pdf
- The Train Ride Word Cards.pdf
- Train-Ride-Maths-Challenge.pdf
- Train-Track-Pencil-Control-Sheet.pdf
- Word-Mat-Images.pdf
Welcome back to a new half term, we hope you have all had a lovely break and enjoyed the beautiful weather.
Our story this week is Handa's Surprise. We have some practical activities linked to the story that you could try, some attached resources to support learning and some prompt questions for the children's comprehension and deeper level understanding.
Most importantly, as always, have fun and enjoy sharing a story.
Here is a link to watch the story:
If you enjoyed the story you might like to watch Handa's Hen:
You might like to:
- enjoy sand and water play outdoors, is it hot / cold? In the sun and in the shade?
- fruit tasting, fruits from the story or any fruit your children might like
- small world play with animals and food items, recreating the story
- make a healthy snack, practice peeling, chopping and making fruit salads / fruit kebabs
- paint printing with chopped fruit
- matching fruits to pictures
- balancing a basket on our head, how long can we keep it still, can we move with it?
- animal puppets to act out the story
- enjoy play outdoors in the sun, hot like in the story
- set up a fruit shop, 5p for an orange, 8p for a banana etc
- colour sorting fruit
- make a healthy eating plate
- what animals and plants can we see out and about?
- make a basket of presents for our friends
- Handa's Surprise Playdough Mats.pdf
- Handa's Matching Number Colour Activity.pdf
- Handa's Surprise Colouring Sheets.pdf
- Handa's Surprise Stick Puppets.pdf
- Handa's Surprise Role Play Masks.pdf
- Handa's Surprise Story Cut Outs.pdf
- Handa's Surprise Word Cards.pdf
- Handa's Surprise Story Sequencing (4 per A4).pdf
- Handa's Surprise Word Mat Images.pdf
- Handa's Surprise-Matching-Cards-and-Board.pdf
- Handa's Surprise.ppt
- Sequencing
- Fruit-themed-cutting-skills-activity-sheet_ver_1.pdf
This weeks story is The Three Little Pigs.
Here is a link to watch and listen to the story:
You might want to:
- Build with sticks, straw and bricks
- Blow the materials and see how far they will travel
- Use puppets to re-create the story
- Explore sensory trays of sticks straw and bricks
- Collect your own materials to build a house
- Junk modelling
- Role play
Here are some questions to add to your child's experience of the story, then below are some activities you can download linked to The Three Little Pigs:
Enjoy :)
- Addition.pdf
- Describing Cards (1).pdf
- Counting.pdf
- Colouring.pdf
- I Spy and Add.pdf
- Describing Cards (2).pdf
- Ideas Sheet.pdf
- I spy Checklist.pdf
- flipbook.exe
- Maze-Activity-Sheets.pdf
- Pencil control.pdf
- Sensory-Story_ver_1.pdf
- Sentence building cards.pdf
- Sequencing.pdf
- Spot-the-Difference-Activity.pdf
- Story map.pdf
- The-Three-Little-Pigs-Story-Powerpoint.ppt
- T-T-514-The-Three-Little-Pigs-Role-Play-Masks.pdf
- T-T-518A-The-Three-Little-Pigs-Stick-Puppets-BW.pdf
- Word mat.pdf
- T-T-4265A-Big-Bad-Wolf-Wanted-Poster-Writing-Frames-BW.pdf
- wordsearch-_ver_1.pdf
Story time this week is about our favourite toys. What is your child's favourite toy? I still have my doll from when I was a little girl and now my daughter plays with her, she has to remember to be careful though as older toys may be fragile so I remind her to have gentle hands.
The activities below [from Twinkl] are linked to a story called the The Old Toy Room and the resources include a link to an Ebook for you to read.
Other stories that are about old toys include [These two are longer and more complex stories]:
Old Bear - Jane Hissey
Dogger - Shirley Hughes -
Guess the toy reveal -
Show two toys, describe one using simple language for your child to guess i.e. it is red, it goes on a track, you take it to bed etc.
Look at old toys that you may have at home- with careful supervision if applicable.
Naming toys song - The activities from this song could be re-enacted with a selection of toys and a box with a lid.
Draw / paint / collage a picture of your favourite toy.
Who could write a sentence / label a picture of their toy?
Another fun way to learn about toys old and new [and a firm favourite] is TOY STORY. Enjoy family movie time and include information about your past, if your child will let you pause, to show them what toys you might of played with when you were little.
Personally I love Mr Potato head on the film and through play. This game is a great opportunity for using symbols or single words to request the body parts. Here is an example for verbal requesting but can be replaced with symbols -
He even has his own song!!
- Old and New Toys Activity Sheet.pdf
- Old and New Toys Flash Cards - 8 per page.pdf
- design-your-own-potato-character-activity.pdf
- the-old-toy-room-stick-puppets.pdf
- The Old Toy Room Comparing Old and New Toys Powerpoint.pptx
- toys-colouring-pages.pdf
- The Old Toy Room.exe
This weeks story is The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
Watch it here:
Nicely linked with our theme of the week, we could explore healthy eating with this story, talking about 'treat foods' and how much we should be having.
Maybe we could keep a food diary for a week to look at patterns in our diet? Or why not try a tasting session Monday - Friday of the different fruits in the story?
A simple sensory tray (example below), full of fruits and story props will allow for practical and engaging involvement.

Life cycle of a Butterfly song:
Practical activities linked to the story:
Egg carton / paper plate craft caterpillar
Fine motor - threading onto string to make caterpillar
Fruit tasting session
Sorting foods
Making caterpillar number lines / alphabet chart
Butterfly / Caterpillar hunt in the garden
Food diary
Pop up caterpillar story book

Attached below are some downloadable activities you might like to try:
- Butterfly lifecycle.pdf
- Addittion activity.pdf
- A Beautiful Butterfly.pdf
- craft.pdf
- Hide and Seek.pdf
- Making patterns.pdf
- Colouring sheets.pdf
- Marvellous Maze.pdf
- maths booklet linked.pdf
- Maze.pdf
- pencil control workbook.pdf
- Puppets.pdf
- Role play masks.pdf
- sentence structure.pdf
- Sorting game.pdf
- Threading.pdf
- tracing words.pdf
- What he ate.pdf
- story cut outs.pdf
- wordsearch.pdf
- Word mat.pdf
This summer the libraries are offering their summer reading challenge with online access. The link is below for any families or siblings whom may be interested in this .
Our story of the week is Little Red Hen.
This story supports our 'reach for the stars' theme as we can try new things (such as making bread) and continue to always try our best with everything we do.
Here is the link to watch the story:
Attached is the ebook to share with your children.
To support learning linked with the story you could:
Try some baking at home
Do some planting and take on the responsibility of watering / making sure it has light
Try something new each day and see if the people in your house will do it with you too
Enjoy farm animal sensory tray / small world
Explore salt dough / flour / wheat play
Craft your own Little Red Hen

Below is the flipbook story, a video of chicks and some other downloadable resources / activity suggestions that you could share with your children.
- Addition-Sheet.pdf
- Bread-Rolls-Recipe-Sheet.pdf
- Bean-Plant-Diary-Writing-Frame.pdf
- Complete-the-pattern.pdf
- colouring-sheets-.pdf
- Handprint-Little-Red-Hens-Activity.pdf
- I Spy.pdf
- How-to-grow-a-Plant-Posters.pdf
- Hen-Life-Cycle-Powerpoint-V.ppt
- Letter-from-Hen.pdf
- Pencil-Control-Sheets.pdf
- Sentence-Building-Cards.pdf
- Storyboard-Template.pdf
- sequencing-cards.pdf
- Word-and-Picture-Match.pdf
- Word-Mat.pdf
- Words-Colouring-Sheet.pdf
- Wordsearch.pdf
The story of the week this week is Little Red Riding Hood!
A classic traditional tale that most of our children should be familiar with and enjoy again. This links in nicely with our 'Be Safe' week as we can talk to our children about when they are travelling somewhere, stranger danger and what to do in an emergency.
Aside from this, please enjoy sharing the story with your children. Maybe you could make a basket of food for a nearby relative? Go for a walk in the park or woods? Role play the story in your own house for the children to pick up on the repeated lines.
Below are some activities, games and links to watch and enjoy the story. please do share any feedback you have from this page and let us know your children's favourite stories so far.

Enjoy :)
- colour-by-numbers.pdf
- cut-and-stick-character-description.pdf
- cut-and-stick-story-map-activity.pdf
- home-learning-challenge-sheet-reception.pdf
- cutting-skills.pdf
- Missing-Numbers.pdf
- Science Experiment (2).pdf
- Science Experiment (3).pdf
- Science Experiment.pdf
- sequence-the-story.pdf
- Wolf-Wanted-Posters.pdf
- Story-Powerpoint.ppt
- Word-Mat.pdf
- Wordsearch.pdf
Our very last story of the week as we head into our final week of a very strange summer term!
To support the transition period into our new classes we have chosen Jake's First Day as our story of the week which addresses the feelings of worry and concerns about returning to school in a new class...even more so this year under the current circumstances.
You can change the story and the activities to suit your child by adding in their name and their new class. This will work alongside any transition packs sent home and it might be worth revisiting this story throughout the summer holidays. It focuses on the excitement of a new class and how enjoyable school is which will be a key aspect in our return in September.
Above are some craft activities you might like to try before your children return to school.
Finally I would like to say a massive thank you to anyone who has engaged with the stories over the last few months, it has been a very strange year but we can't wait to get back to some kind of normality in school. Below are some activities linked to the story (attachments) and some ideas you might like to try over summer!
Most importantly, be safe, have fun and get ready for September :)
- Colour by number.pdf
- Fruity pirate recipe.pdf
- Colouring pages.pdf
- Number bonds to 10.pdf
- Pirate Passport .pdf
- Playdough mat.pdf
- Role play masks.pdf
- Jakes-first-day-story-powerpoint.ppt
- Subtraction patterns.pdf
- Sequencing cards.pdf
- Word mat.pdf
- Talk cards.pdf
- Worry bottle.pdf
- Word search.pdf