
Welcome to Squirrels
Welcome to Squirrels
Pupils: We are a year 2/3 class
There are 10 pupils in class, 8 boys and 2 girls
Teacher in Squirrels class is Emma
Support Assistants: Rebecca (Beckie), Donna, Rebecca (Becca) and Louise (Monday)
This Spring term our topic will be 'Roar, stomp, squeak'  Please see termly overview below.
Swimming will be on a Friday afternoon.
Educational Visits every other Tuesday morning.
PE Thursday afternoon
Photos and messages can be sent in via e-mail to Emma 
 As always you can e-mail us or phone if there is ever anything you need to tell us or ask.  We always love to hear from you.  It is important to be kind and look out for each other, so please don't be on your own if there is anything you need to talk about, or that we can help with. 
Here are some useful websites and activities linked with our curriculum that you could try at home:-
Rhymes and stories
Thinking and problem solving activities :-
Number songs
Music and fun action songs to get you moving :-
Sensory activities:-
Termly news and photos 
Internet Saftey
Try these fun websites that we are going to use for our e-safety topic.
Just click on an image to get there!
Special events
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Squirrels Class photographs