New Year - Fresh Start! WC: 4.01.2021
Hello again Brookfields children, families and staff :)
Here we are again with online learning and activities to keep us busy through this lockdown. It is very important that we focus on our mental health and well-being as we face yet more uncertain times.
Our theme this week is New Year - Fresh Start!
We do not need to change ourselves for a new year, we need to appreciate everything we have already done and got through and get ready to go again. So with some of the activities and ideas on this page, we can make sure we start 2021 as positively as we can under these circumstances.
Here is today's challenge that I have taken part in, hopscotch on my driveway!!

Engagement is a large part of our curriculum focus and finding things the children enjoy will support their growing levels of engagement. We learn when we are at our happiest and most engaged, so below are some ideas of enjoyable activities our children might enjoy. In the new year we could try new things.....

- Music and movement to increase our heart rate
- Singing and stories to be shared with an adult
- Painting, cutting and other craft activities to show our creativity
- Exploring our senses indoors and outdoors
- Trying new foods and drinks
- Enjoying socialising in anyways we can; phone calls, zooms, time with our families in our house
- Puzzles and problem solving to stretch our minds
- Trying a range of different activities to find new things we enjoy
- Learning a new skill - baking / tying shoe laces / riding a bike for example
As well as starting fresh in the new year, it is important to recognise how amazing we all our. Maybe we could think of one thing we did last year that we are proud of, made us happy or we did for the first time - could you draw a picture of it / take a picture of it / write about it / tell an grown up about it / do whatever it may be again and an adult can get a picture? I have attached a document below where you can share all the things that make you amazing!
Personally, I moved house in 2020 that made me very happy!
Below are a range of activities linked to new year, fresh start, resolutions, what we are proud of and how we celebrated new year!
As we did last year, if you could share any pictures of our children engaging with any of the ideas on this page with school (the outdoor challenge, trying something new, what they are proud of, or any of the linked activities), so that we can see the lovely things our children are doing to start off 2021 in a positive way.
Thank you!

- 2021-pattern-tracing-activity
- 2020 New Year Flap Activity
- All About My Christmas Writing Frame.pdf
- Auld Lang Syne Powerpoint.ppt
- all-about-new-year-activity-powerpoint.pptx
- Christmas Holiday Snapshots Writing Frame.pdf
- Christmas Holiday Writing Report.pdf
- Happy New Year Activity Sheet.pdf
- New Year Circle Time Teaching Ideas.pdf
- Happy New Year Differentiated Word Search.pdf
- New Year Resolution Crystal Ball KS1 Activity Sheet.pdf
- New Years Resolution Writing Frame.pdf
- happy-new-year-differentiated-word-search
- New-Year-Resolution-Stars.pdf
- New Years Resolutions on Fireworks Writing Frames.pdf
- Our New Years Resolutions Display Banner.pdf
- Thank You Letter to Santa Template.pdf
- This Year I Will Display Banner.pdf