Reach For The Stars Week 29.06 - 3.07
During these unusual times, it is important to give our mind and bodies something to focus on, to keep pushing ourselves for the good of our physical and mental well-being. That is why we have chosen 'Reach For The Stars' as our theme of the week 29th June - 3rd July.
Personally; over the past 4 months I have used these aims each day to keep me motivated - why not give it a try and share your pictures with us.
Each day I:
1) Take part in a form of exercise
2) Do something I find challenging
3) Do something I enjoy
This theme can be adapted and taken in any direction you like, maybe your child wants to try something new, take on a challenge or talk about what they want to do when they are older - their aims and ambitions. More practically you could watch the clouds move, look for stars at night, maybe make your own rocket? Or this time can be taken to appreciate the amazing memories you have made over your time at home and time to praise ourselves for all of the hard work and changes we have made.
Below are 25 ideas of new things you could try at home, why not give them a go and send us your pictures:

I have attached some challenges below your children might want to take part in:
Here's the lovely song to support our theme this week, your children could join in with the dance or with the Makaton signed version of the song:
Trying something new is an amazing achievement and can be a real challenge for some children, here are some different strategies you can use to make this slightly easier so they really can push themselves and reach for the stars :)

Attached below are some sensory activities that you might like to try and some downloadable resources to support the process:
We can reach for the stars by having goals, aims and ambitions we want to achieve. You could ask your children what they want to be when they are older, could they dress up as this role? Act out their role? Draw a picture of their role?

We can also reach for the stars by always trying our best in everything we do. Attached below are some activities linked to friendships and how we can reach for the stars with our loved ones around us.
As well as pushing ourselves to reach for the stars, it is important to recognise the amazing things we have already done and be grateful for what we have. Attached below are some opportunities to do that for each day this week, or you could talk about this with your child...their favourite activity, toy, food or programme.
Take this theme to the next level and you could really push yourselves to reach for the stars....finding them, travelling to them, taking pictures of them. I'm sure the children will come up with even more ideas!

I hope you all enjoy our theme this week and have lots of fun trying new things, taking on challenges, enjoying some craft and appreciating how amazing we all are!! Please do share your pictures with us as we would love to see all of our brilliant children reaching for the stars!!
I will leave you with this quote :)