Old Becomes New! Theme of the week (WC 15.06.20)
Old Becomes New is our next theme of the week 15.06 - 19.06!
This can be explored in a variety of ways; looking at old toys / pictures of ourselves, enjoying new songs / films. Understanding the concept of old and new. Then we have lots of engaging activities linked to recycling and reusing old materials to create our own new items!
Please share the powerpoint, videos, activities and most importantly have fun :)
It would be lovely for you to share any pictures of activities / work / recycling your children have completed or taken part in. Feel free to be as creative as you like!
We could talk about the concepts of 'old' and 'new' with our children. These resources and songs might support their learning.
- A New Day for Learning.ppt
- There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly.ppt
- My New Shoes.ppt
- This Old Man.ppt
Its important for our children to understand the importance of recycling and how we can help to save our world by doing our own little bit. These links (songs / stories / lessons / games) will provide insightful messages and lessons to be learnt in an exciting, engaging way.
- What should I do with my rubbish? BBC lesson
- 8 Earth Day Songs
- Michael Recycle story
- Junk Jumble recycling game
- Sesame Street - Murray visits a recycling centre
- Help Our Little World - Tee and Mo
As part of our recycling theme, we can show off our creativity through a range of craft activities that can be made from absolutely anything in your household! I have attached some ideas and instruction sheets, but please feel free to experiment with any spare bits you have :)

- Cereal Box Guitar - Craft Instructions.pdf
- Cereal box marble run.pdf
- Cereal Box Teddy Bear - Craft Instructions.pdf
- Cereal Box Puppet Theatre - Craft Instructions.pdf
- Cereal Box Maze - Craft Instructions.pdf
- Cereal Box Weaving - Craft Instructions.pdf
- Craft Instructions.pdf
- Leftover Veggie Burger Recipe.pdf
- Making a car (plastic bottle) .pdf
- Making an areoplane.pdf
- Ten Things to Do With a Sock.pdf
- Recycling craft.pdf
- Ten Things to Do With a Toilet Roll Tube.pdf
- Ten Things to Do With a Wooden Spoon.pdf
- Toilet Roll Bunny - Craft Instructions.pdf
- Toilet Roll Chick - Craft Instructions.pdf
- Toilet Roll Ladybird - Craft Instructions.pdf
- Toilet Roll Octopus - Craft Instructions.pdf
- Toilet Roll Owl - Craft Instructions.pdf
We can provide sensory experiences with a variety of recycled materials through exploration and discovery. You could throw anything into a sensory tray, maybe with sand? Water? Foam? We would love to see some creative pictures :)

Once your children are confident with the idea of recycling, maybe had a go at it themselves, you could set up a recycling scavenger hunt or treasure map for them to find a range of items around your house. I have attached an example below but you could create your own using items in your house :)
Here is the 'The Messy Magpie'. This is a beautiful story that explains the importance of recycling and disposing of rubbish appropriately. Below are a range of activities to suit all ages, why not have a go with your children.
- MM Ideas for Learning.pdf
- MM Letter Writing Activity.pdf
- MM Maths Challenge Cards.pdf
- MM Sequencing Activity.pdf
- MM Reading Comprehension.pdf
- MM Subtraction to 20 Maths Mosaic.pdf
- MM Step-by-Step Instructions.pdf
- MM Word Search.pdf
- t-l-54838-the-messy-magpie-all-about-recycling-powerpoint_ver_2.ppt
I hope you enjoy exploring all of these activities linked with Old Becoming New! Its a very important aspect of our life and our children will benefit from gaining a deeper understanding! Along with having fun and being creative!
We cant wait to see all the pictures you share with us :)
Thank you!