Around The World WC: 1.02.21
This weeks theme is: Around The World

To start off this theme we have been lucky enough to work with our Music Therapist Charlotte. Charlotte has been very busy creating songs and activities for us to take part in linked to our Around The World theme. We would love to have some videos sent back to us of our children joining in with the songs, making music and activities.
Just click on the links below and have some fun!
As part of this weeks theme we can listen to different languages, try foods from around the globe, explore flags and scenery and think about similarities and differences.

Your first challenge is to find where we are on the world map / globe. We are a tiny island surrounded by water, can you point us out on the map below?

I would love for you to use your creative side to make your own flags...maybe from paper plates / boxes / paper / play dough? Here are some examples below or you could research other flags using books or the computer with an adult.

Below are some templates you may want to use.
Can you use the speech bubbles attached below to learn how to say "hello" in many different languages.
It would be lovely for you to share the presentation below to learn about some of the similarities and differences between families around the globe.
Here is a link to a range of different videos on BBC Bitesize that can give you a taste of different countries.
Can you try?

As always we look forward to seeing the fun you are having with this weeks theme at home, especially our music sessions this week. I hope you all have a lovely time and learn a lot of different facts about countries around the world!