Celebration & Theme Days WC 8.2.21 & Half Term
To end our first half term of home learning, we have lots of exciting dates coming up in the calendar for us to enjoy. This week you will learn about and enjoy activities linked to:
Chinese New Year
Internet Safety
Valentines Day
Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day)
This weeks music therapy with Charlotte:

Above is a video link for us to learn about how Chinese New Year can be celebrated.
Below are some craft ideas and activities linked to Chinese New Year.

- simple-3d-chinese-new-year-fortune-cat-paper-craft
- chinese-zodiac-wheel-cutouts
- chinese-new-year-word-mat
- chinese-new-year-zodiac-animal
- chinese-new-year-paper-chain-dragon
- chinese-new-year-differentiated-reading-comprehension
- chinese-new-year-story-powerpoint
Celebrating with dance:

During this pandemic, everyone has been spending much more time online than we usually would, which is brilliant because we can access all of our learning and activities. We must remember how to stay safe online and this Tuesday marks "Safer Internet Day". The resources below will support us to stay safe online.

Who do you love the most? You parents / grandparents / friends / family / teachers? Lets celebrate that by making and sending a card or letter, this could really make someone smile this lockdown.
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Below are some links to craft activities, similar to the ideas above - I'm sure you can come up with your own though!
- -Valentines-Day-Cupid-Cone.pdf
- Valentines-Day-Card-Colouring-Templates.pdf
- Valentines-Day-Heart-Symmetry-Sheets.pdf
- I-Love-You-This-Much-Fold-Out-Paper-Hands.pdf

Whats your favourite topping? Can you follow step by step instructions? Can you make and collect a list of ingredients? How can we stay safe in the kitchen?
Why not enjoy some yummy pancakes during half term to celebrate pancake day!! Tuesday 16th February 2021.
- Designing a Pancake Topping Activity Sheet.pdf
- Pancake Recipe Sequencing Activity.pdf
- Pancake Recipe.pdf
- Pancake-Recipe-Word-Mat.pdf
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This is a lovely story below and there are some story suggestion activities added at the bottom, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
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- Mr-Wolfs-Pancakes-Word-Mat.pdf
- Mr-Wolfs-Pancakes-Role-Play-Masks.pdf
- Mr-Wolfs-Pancakes-Colouring-Sheets.pdf
- Mr-Wolfs-Pancakes-Stick-Puppets.pdf
That is the end of our theme for this week and into half term, there are plenty of activities and lovely resources for you to watch / make and do on this page.
As always please have lots of fun engaging with our themes and we would love to receive lots of lovely pictures and videos so we can share your creativity with you.
Keep working hard and happy holidays!
Take care x