Welcome to Hedgehogs class!
We are a mixed year 1 and 2 class of 10 pupils.
The staff members:
- Chantelle is the teacher.
- Amy and Charlotte are our teaching assistants.
- Sarah will cover PPA every other Tuesday.
Our topic this term is "Exploring the stars".
Further detail can be found in the Spring Term overview attached above.
We access a range of sensory based experiences through the use of additional rooms and facilities around the school throughout the week.
We have swimming every Monday afternoon please send in a swimming kit as children will be taken on a rota basis.
In Hedgehogs we do a lot of our learning through play, as well as group inputs and workstation activities. We will add photos below so you can see all the fun we have been having.
On this page you will find resources, links and ideas to support any home learning or extra curricular activity you may want to take part in. This will be split into Literacy & Communication, Maths, Topic themes and sensory! Please do get in contact for any specific things you might need.
Pupil learning and progress is recorded on Evisense and updated regularly. If you require any support or have any questions please contact Chantelle in the first instance to help you further.
Please see below some wonderful photos of Hedgehogs learning from last term.
Here are some online games, resources and activities that you may want to access with your children:
- Topmarks Games and Resources
- Phonics Bloom
- Oak National Academy resources and activity ideas
- Ebooks
- Letters and Sounds
- Education City
- Maths Games and Activities
- Discovery Education - games, resources and activities (keep scrolling down the page for more)
General home learning resources!
Links to songs / videos / stories and activities:
Literacy & Communication:
- Singing or watching the alphabet song
- Exploring sound making objects and toys
- Singing nursery rhymes
- Reading familiar stories
- Mark making using pens, paint, oats, sand or water
- Using symbols / makaton / key words for chosen form of communication
- Routine is very important as part of communication so we know what to expect, I have attached some familiar songs that we use at different parts of the school day
- Number songs and counting
- Sharing objects
- Problem solving activities
- Exploring, matching and making shapes
- Ordering by size
- Heavy and light object hunt
Animals Theme
Can you look for animals in your garden or local area?
What is your favourite animal?
Can you draw or paint some animals?
Can you move like some animals?
What noises do animals make, what can you hear?
Animal eye spy.
Do you have any animals in your house? These are called Pets.
Can you take some pictures of animals?
Do you know any stories that have animals in them? Enjoy sharing some of these with an adult.
Maybe you could make your own animal puppets to go with your stories?
Animal related songs:
Range of animal songs - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=id1LftodV_o
Animal sounds - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Woc5c8mePR4
Barefoot Book Animal stories - https://www.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEB&search_query=barefoot+books+animals
Animal activities:
- Sorting animals
- Jungle facts
- Animals
- 5 little speckled frogs
- Farm cut and stick
- Three Little pigs
- Forest and Woodland
- Which animal
- Powerpoint game
- Forest and Woodland
Transport Theme
Here are some structured tasks, some may need a printer or you can use the ideas shown and make your own.
- Building a boat.pdf
- Car Cut-Outs (for number car park).pdf
- Emergency services vehicles.pdf
- float or sink cut and stick.pdf
- Number Car Park.pdf
- making cars.pdf
- Train pencil control.pdf
- Packing a suitcase.pdf
- Transport flash cards.pdf
- Transport lesson plan ideas.pdf
- Transport sorting - air, road, water.pdf
- Transport Topic Hook Wow Ideas.pdf
- Number Shape Cut-Outs.pdf
- Boat Matching Poster 2xA4.pdf
- Number Shape Cut-Outs.pdf
- Bus Matching Poster 2xA4.pdf
- Number Shape Cut-Outs.pdf
- Train Matching Poster 2xA4.pdf
Here are some nice songs linked to travel and transport: